Strange Transmissions
Ongoing performance series
Strange Transmissions is a series of performances through which Jude Browning and Corin Sworn employ their friendship as a method crossing email and admin.The email, with its administrative interface of scheduling and logistical detachment is combined with the epistolary form as an address to a friend. Shaped by shared interests re-presented in the context of “work” our emails accumulate against, or with one another. Time becomes a generous sort of constraint, we commit in order to produce as a gesture which extends outwards. The restriction of deadlines, finding time, making and breaking commitments impress the spikey, and enjoyable processes of collaboration. Do our collaborations become about performing together or how well we perform our individual parts? The latest iteration of Strange Transmissions generated pictures in image and text alongside Lucy Lippard’s novel I See/You Mean (1979). The Lippard text as a propositional form, reflects and indeed suggests a means to think a latticework of emotions: thinking together while we share and don’t share particularities of place and experience. It allows difference/togetherness amid the collection of fragments in its "sensuous grid".